97% people believe science can solve societal challenges finds 3M State of Science Index

Laszlo Svinger, Vice-President and Managing Director MEA at 3M

Following the pandemic and the amazingly rapid response from the scientific community, SOSI data now shows that around the world the overwhelming majority 97% of people believe that science can solve some of the biggest societal challenges. In the UAE that figure is 99%. Meanwhile, pre-pandemic in 2019, 42% of SOSI respondents globally who said they did not find science boring were interested in it because it was going to solve world issues.

Beyond the pandemic, when residents in the UAE were asked what four healthcare advances, they thought science should prioritise, they said:

  • Vaccines for future pandemics 54%
  • Cures for chronic disease 50%
  • Addressing mental health issues 48%
  • Addressing the root causes, social drivers of health issues 48%

62% of UAE residents say ensuring equal access to quality healthcare is a top priority for society in the next five years.

Laszlo Svinger, Vice-President and Managing Director MEA at 3M commented, “The pandemic put a spotlight on the state of healthcare and our latest State of Science Index shows a desire for urgent improvements to health equity. That means getting us all to a standardised level of health right across society.

“Our data shows that residents in the UAE believe that personalised medicine 43% and use of artificial intelligence, data analytics and digital health records to track and improve patient health outcomes (43% vs. 33% globally) should be among the top healthcare advancements should science prioritise. As we look towards the future, 99% of residents want science to help solve our biggest societal challenges.”

Laszlo Svinger, Vice-President and Managing Director MEA at 3M
Laszlo Svinger, Vice-President and Managing Director MEA at 3M.