Bringing in a positive change through technology

Reem Asaad, Vice President, Cisco Middle East and Africa.

While in the past, senior level positions were primarily held by men, we are certainly seeing a shift towards greater equality and fair representation. There is still a degree of work to be done, but in countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia, equal opportunity is being written into the very fabric of the national agenda.

As the first female and local leader in the role of Vice President for Cisco MEA, I know first-hand that this is the type of representation women and young girls need and deserve to see. Of course, this should only ever be solely based on merit, and not simply a ticking the box exercise, but we must never underestimate the impact that visibility can have on current and future employees.

 Most challenging

Given that I am tasked with managing such a large region, I have to think very carefully about how we can drive a united vision forward, while also tailoring decision making to best suit cultural nuances and areas of interest by country. However, this is not something that I would class as a negative, our teams actually thrive in such environments and we welcome the challenge this brings.

Most engaging

I have always been fascinated by technology’s ability to transform industries and in fact, whole livelihoods. There is nothing more fulfilling than working alongside governments, businesses and communities to enact positive change. I also particularly enjoy spending my time not only mentoring employees, but also learning from them. I find that being curious and open to learning is always beneficial, no matter your seniority or title.

Reem Asaad, Vice President, Cisco Middle East and Africa

Asaad is responsible for overseeing the work of 2,500 employees and contractors, while driving the company’s position as a leading technology provider and consultant across 74 markets in the region. Asaad’s role focuses on strengthening collaborations with governments, customers and partners, underpinned by Cisco’s portfolio of advanced solutions to accelerate their digitisation agendas.