Countless regional organisations have pursued restructuring

Karim Benkirane, Chief Commercial Officer du

Digital transformation acceleration has seen organisation’s benefit from valuable reform in various ways. Technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things IoT, Blockchain, 5G, and big data analytics have driven a complete digitalisation of business processes, leading to streamlined operations, efficient performance, and enhanced business models. Organisations are benefitting from improved resource management, faster time to market, and greater agility, resilience, and responsiveness.

At the same time, customer engagements have also improved. Through digital, customers are more satisfied with newfound ease, convenience, and empowerment, accessing services, acquiring products, and communicating with relevant teams seamlessly whenever required. du managed the pandemic by offering higher network capacity and 5 stars home experience to further facilitate the digital transformation.

The last 18 months were mentioned previously, and this is relevant again because, within this timeframe, countless regional organisations have already pursued comprehensive restructuring to ensure business continuity, adopt digital technologies, and equip themselves with agility and other capabilities.

These same organisations will be required to keep pace with emerging technologies and further transformation in due course. From a consumer standpoint alone, expectations are continuously evolving, with people demanding more and more personalisation and customisation. Furthermore, organisations currently lagging in their transformation journeys require additional restructuring success to survive and cater to customers.

Expectations are continuously evolving, with people demanding more and more personalisation and customisation

Deciding which digital technologies to prioritise varies per enterprise. After all, enterprises have different commitments to honour and different objectives to fulfil. However, there have been several primary factors emerge which are commonly considered by enterprises from all sectors.

With operational sustainability imperative, many enterprises are analysing returns on investment ROI, assessing cybersecurity benefits, and exploring long-term competitive advantages that digital technologies can provide.

Deciding which digital technologies to prioritise varies per enterprise

At the same time, other factors dictating which technologies are prioritised include complementing organisational culture and strategy, scalability, and efficiency outcomes, and whether they can solve persisting business problems and upcoming challenges.

While enterprises have navigated the pandemic, the digital landscape is evolving exponentially. New business requirements, challenges, and consumer demands will emerge, and leadership teams must pursue priority steps to continue building resilient enterprises in the future. In terms of productivity, enterprises must continue online platforms migration, hastening decision-making processes, increasing operational efficiency, and innovating operating models.

Regarding the workplace, enterprises should explore critical competencies employees will need to collaborate in hybrid environments as a blend of remote and office learning is here to stay. Employees should also be skilled in all-new digital technologies integrated with the business moving forward.

Employees should be skilled in new digital technologies integrated with the business moving forward

Already, sustainability and carbon reduction commitments are being met following integration with digital transformation initiatives. For example, reduced reliance on paper and printing lowers carbon emissions, digital platforms enable customers to interact and transact online rather than traveling to offices to conduct business in person, and remote working is eliminating daily commutes and the emissions that accompany personal travel.

However, independent initiatives also represent a prudent way to meet related objectives. Enterprises could, for example, launch employee awareness programs and take additional steps to lower waste reduction.

Karim Benkirane, Chief Commercial Officer du
Karim Benkirane, Chief Commercial Officer du.

In last 18 months regional organisations have pursued business continuity, digital technologies, equipped themselves with agility and other capabilities.