Helping others succeed

Andrea Carter, Regional Director Marketing NEMEA, Sophos

Huge progress is being made in this area and it has been proven that organisations with a diverse workforce perform better than those who do not. Sophos has a fantastic Diversity and Inclusion program where voluntary groups of employees come together based on shared identity, values or lived experiences with an open forum provided for employees to meet and support one another and strengthen the sense of belonging at Sophos.

Initiatives like International Women’s Day help to continue to raise the awareness of this important topic. Andrea is responsible for raising awareness, generating demand and enabling the channel of reseller partners and managed service providers.

Andrea’s dream work environment is one where diversity is celebrated, where there is total trust between the team and where everyone is working to achieve the same goal that they are passionate about! And of course, an environment where fun is part of every day. In terms of culture – respect, collaboration over competition, recognition and positivity.

Leading and managing an amazing team is a great privilege. Seeing the team work seamlessly together even though they span numerous cultures and regions makes me proud every single day. The most satisfying part of the job is seeing the team develop, grow in their skills, and get recognition from across the business for the great work they do. The true value of a leader is in helping others succeed beyond what they thought possible.

Currently it is time management, with the change to home working and numerous Zoom calls it can be hard to find the necessary space to think. Unless you put managed meeting free times on your calendar you can end up continually reacting and not spending enough time thinking. In addition, it has been hard keeping a team together and connected during two years of no face-to-face interaction.

Andrea Carter, Regional Director Marketing NEMEA, Sophos
Andrea Carter, Regional Director Marketing NEMEA, Sophos.