New Confluent Global Report Finds Data Streaming Accelerates AI Development and Cuts Costs

Confluent released its 2024 Data Streaming Report, highlighting how data streaming drives innovation, AI adoption, business agility, and customer experiences. Surveying 4,110 IT leaders across 12 countries, including the UAE, the report emphasizes the critical role of data streaming in overcoming data challenges and maximizing business potential.

Responsiveness is the key to success in today’s dynamic business landscape – slow, inconsistent, outdated, or ungoverned data is detrimental to success because it’s unreliable and can lead to bad decision-making. It’s imperative to leverage continuously streaming data to discover customer learnings, improve business operations, and find insights so organizations can act efficiently and quickly. In fact, 82% of EMEA respondents cite data streaming as a strategic or important priority in IT investments this year.

“Many organizations have data siloed away in different systems and applications, making it impossible to find and benefit from one of their most critical business assets – their data,” said Shaun Clowes, Chief Product Officer at Confluent. “Data streaming acts as the central nervous system for businesses by connecting systems and applications so real-time data can be easily accessed for decision making and improving business processes and customer experiences.”